David Jones wrote:
>Thanks. I appreciate that. I would be happy to aggregate some of those
>things. I am sometimes not good at maintaining the website because I get
>bored of maintaining or updating it very quickly :)
>On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 10:02 AM, A. T. Murray <menti...@scn.org> wrote:
>> The Web site of David Jones at
>> http://practicalai.org
>> is quite impressive to me
>> as a kindred spirit building AGI.
>> (Just today I have been coding MindForth AGI :-)
>> For his "Practical AI Challenge" or similar
>> ventures, I would hope that David Jones is
>> open to the idea of aggregating or archiving
>> "representative AI samples" from such sources as
>> - TexAI;
>> - OpenCog;
>> - Mentifex AI;
>> - etc.;
>> so that visitors to PracticalAI may gain an
>> overview of what is happening in our field.
>> Arthur
>> --
>> http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/AiMind.html
>> http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/mindforth.txt

Just today, a few minutes ago, I updated the
mindforth.txt AI souce code listed above.

In the PracticalAi aggregates, you might consider
listing Mentifex AI with copies of the above two
AI source code pages, and with links to the
original scn.org URL's, where visitors to
PracticalAi could look for any more recent
updates that you had not gotten around to
transferring from scn.org to PracticalAi.
In that way, theses releases of Mentifex 
free AI source code would have a more robust
Web presence (SCN often goes down) and I 
could link to PracticalAi for the aggregates
and other features of PracticalAI.


Arthur T. Murray

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