
Your reply flies in the face of two obvious facts:
1.  I have little interest in what is called AGI here. My interests lie
elsewhere, e.g. uploading, Dr. Eliza, etc. I posted this piece for several
reasons, as it is directly applicable to Dr. Eliza, and because it casts a
shadow on future dreams of AGI. I was hoping that those people who have
thought things through regarding AGIs might have some thoughts here. Maybe
these people don't (yet) exist?!
2.  You seem to think that a "walk before you run" approach, basically a
bottom-up approach to AGI, is the obvious one. It sure isn't obvious to me.
Besides, if my "statements of stupidity" theory is true, then why even
bother building AGIs, because we won't even be able to meaningfully discuss
things with them.

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 2:57 AM, Mike Tintner <tint...@blueyonder.co.uk>wrote:

>  sTEVE:I have posted plenty about "statements of ignorance", our probable
> inability to comprehend what an advanced intelligence might be "thinking",
> What will be the SIMPLEST thing that will mark the first sign of AGI ? -
> Given that there are zero but zero examples of AGI.
> Don't you think it would be a good idea to begin at the beginning? With
> "initial AGI"? Rather than "advanced AGI"?
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