> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Parker [mailto:ianpark...@gmail.com]
> The Turing test is not in fact a test of intelligence, it is a test of
similarity with
> the human. Hence for a machine to be truly Turing it would have to make
> mistakes. Now any "useful" system will be made as intelligent as we can
> make it. The TT will be seen to be an irrelevancy.
> Philosophical question no 1 :- How useful is the TT.

TT in its basic form is rather simplistic. It's thought of usually in its
ideal form, the determination of an AI or a human. I look at it more of
analogue verses discrete boolean. Much of what is out there is human with
computer augmentation and echoes of human interaction. It's blurry in
reality and the TT has been passed in some ways but not in its most ideal

> As I said in my correspondence With Jan Klouk, the human being is stupid,
> often dangerously stupid.
> Philosophical question 2 - Would passing the TT assume human stupidity and
> if so would a Turing machine be dangerous? Not necessarily, the Turing
> machine could talk about things like jihad without
ultimately identifying with
> it.

Humans without augmentation are only so intelligent. A Turing machine would
be potentially dangerous, a really well built one. At some point we'd need
to see some DNA as ID of another "extended" TT.

> Philosophical question 3 :- Would a TM be a psychologist? I think it would
> have to be. Could a TM become part of a population simulation that would
> give us political insights.

You can have a relatively stupid TM or a sophisticated one just like humans.
It might be easier to pass the TT by not exposing too much intelligence.


> These 3 questions seem to me to be the really interesting ones.
>   - Ian Parker 

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