I vote: 
> 7931*  G.             3.0  Registration fix finally     G.          1 sh.

> 7932*  ATMunn, [1]    1.0  A Reward for Obedience v5    ATMunn      1 AP

> 7933*  Alexis         3.0  Ribbon Preservation Act      Alexis      1 sh.

> 7934*  天火狐          1.0  Poetry Duel Challenge Writ   天火狐       OP [2]

> 7935*  Trigon         3.0  Revision Limits v2           Trigon      1 AP
AGAINST.  Some issues here to bring up later (bugginess in original not fixed).

> 7936*  V.J. Rada      2.0  Print Money                  V.J. Rada   1 AP

> 7937*  V.J. Rada, o   2.0  I Demand Faster Auctions     V.J. Rada   1 AP
AGAINST.  Better to do in batch lots monthly, better gameplay.

> 7938*  Aris           3.0  Fix Campaign Proposals       Aris        1 AP

> 7939*  V.J. Rada      1.0  Repeal the Reportor          V.J. Rada   1 sh.
AGAINST.  I like the office still.

> 7940*  Alexis, [3]    3.0  High Power Cleanup           Alexis      1 sh.

> 7941*  Alexis         1.0  HTML Scrubbing               Alexis      1 sh.

> 7942*  Alexis         1.0  No List Prefixes             Alexis      1 sh.
AGAINST.  I like the prefixes.

> 7943*  ATMunn         2.0  Mini fixes                   ATMunn      1 sh.

> 7944*  Trigon         2.0  Who's the Secretary?         Trigon      1 AP

> 7945*  Telnaior       1.0  Name and Shame               Telnaior    1 AP
AGAINST.  Far too much recordkeeping needed for this if it works, and
           I can already think of a couple (silly) ways around it.

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