On 8/16/07, Pavitra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about if, in addition to my previous suggestion, we insert a new
> item after (b) reading:
>        Upon the announcement of intent, the announcer
>        implicitly votes SUPPORT, unless e explicitly votes
>        OBJECT. This paragraph shall not be construed as
>        forbidding the announcer from retracting or altering
>        eir vote in the same message as the announcement of
>        intent or any later message.
> and re-enumerate the paragraphs?

I was trying to avoid this approach because of the potential confusion
of the vote collector changes.  But that's currently impossible for
dependent actions, and it's rare enough anyway that I don't really
have a problem with it.  The only caveat is that you'll have to
increase all the support (and objection?) indices by one.


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