avpx wrote:

One of the reasons I wanted to make it rule-regulated, BTW, was so
that it could possibly replace the system of VCs and marks, which,
personally, I find a little messy. It might be a good idea, if we can
all agree on that (which I doubt we can), to re-engineer the whole
idea, and add new functionality to the peso, giving it the ability to
increase one's VVLOP, and obsoleting the mark and VC. Obviously, there
would be the ability to transfer VCs and marks for pesos (I was
thinking that 1 mark should equal 1 peso, and 1 VC should equal 100

If you're obsoleting the other currencies, then you should just
convert them in the proposal that does so, e.g.

  "Upon the adoption of this proposal, each player receives 1 peso
   for each Mark that e possesses, and 100 pesos for each VC that
   e possesses."

Make sure you do this /before/ repealing VCs and Marks.

The point of multi-colored VCs is to give an advantage to players
who participate in multiple aspects of the game (primarily proposing,
officeholding, and judging; rarer colors can either be spent, or
saved toward a win attempt).  The point of preventing transfers and
making it cheaper to increase other players' VLOP is to give an
advantage to players who log-roll.  Not that these ideas couldn't be
repealed, but it's worth giving some thought first.

There's also the question of what things are worth spending currency
on, besides the perennial favorite of increased voting power.  Past
attempts have included:

  * Cards / Powers.  A recordkeeping nightmare, due to non-fungibility
    and cascade errors.

  * Proposal submission fees.  Out of favor.  On at least one occasion,
    they led to a notable dearth of submissions, as players mostly
    couldn't be bothered to work out personal budgets.  (Judicial
    submission fees would surely be just as bad, if not worse.)

  * Payment of fines.  Also out of favor.  At one time, things like
    late reports were routinely pointed out and dinged; these days,
    anything short of "hmm, maybe it's time for the non-performing
    officer to be replaced" tends to be overlooked.

  * Zombies (basically power of attorney over long-inactive
    players).  Really just a means to increased voting power etc.

  * Auctions.  Obviously just a means to whatever the auctioned
    items (often Zombies) would be spent on.

I'm just trying to add some realism to the currency system, and
perhaps improve it. If you guys could help me out with it by giving
suggestions, I feel like we really could make the game more lively.

Explicitly tracking the holdings of a central non-player entity is
IMO not worth the extra recordkeeping effort.

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