Goethe wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Sep 2008, Ed Murphy wrote:
>> Sir Toby wrote:
>>> Kerim Aydin wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 16 Sep 2008, Ian Kelly wrote:
>>>>> Identification is not a toggle switch with values "unambiguously
>>>>> identified" and "completely unidentified".  The message identifies its
>>>>> sender as a player, which is ambiguous but still communicates much
>>>>> more than if it contained no statement of identification at all.
>>>> Just like writing a message in Turkish and identifying the language
>>>> as Turkish clearly communicates that there is a message but for the
>>>> purposes of the rules doesn't communicate the content.  You know the
>>>> CFJ of which I speak.
>>> I do not know of this CFJ. Can someone illuminate me please?
>> I can't find it, but I believe it involved someone using the Turkish
>> word for a vote value (without identifying the language, even).
> CFJ 1460.  Apologies I was overly glib in replying to root where I
> think e and I have discussed this before.  Anyway it's a nice precedent
> on messages needing to have a reasonable chance of being understood
> by intended recipients to be considered communication.  -Goethe

Aha, there was a bug in the search function on arguments/evidence
text (it was only matching against the caller's A/E).

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