On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 17:56, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I join Nomic Wars I.
> I add the following section to Nomic Wars I:
> {
> Sections with lower Ratings take precedence over sections with higher
> Ratings; Sections of this contract whose Rating is a positive integer
> are void and do not apply.
> }
After some consideration, I believe this fails. comex's new section
never has the chance to create a precedence paradox because under the
rules of the contract that exist at the creation of eir section the
newly created section never is valid, and therefore never can have its
intended effect upon the contract. Was comex's section to be valid, it
would invalidate the very rule that allows it to be created at its
moment of conception. Therefore the only practical way to proceed is
to consider comex's section invalid as per Section 6.

This is (in effect) similar to ISIDTID. Just becuase comex's section
declares the rest of the contract void does not mean it has the
capability or authority to do so.


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