On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Roger Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Correction: the rules allow you to create a new VOIDED section.

Nomic Wars does not say that I can create a new Voided Section  by
announcement, which might become a Section.  Rather, it says that I
can create a Section, and *another section* says that such newly
created Sections have no effect.  But every newly created section
becomes one of the class of things that govern the nomic, a class
whose authority comes from itself.

> Would anyone take it seriously if the US Congress passed a law stating
> that their legislation took precedence over the US Constitution, which
> was now void?

Well, if you want to make the analogy, the Constitution is the
"supreme Law of the Land", and gives power to federal and state laws
only to the extent that it itself permits, just as Agora gives power
to contracts; but this power does not include the ability to take
precedence over the Constitution and the Rules, respectively.  (See
Article 1, Section 8).  Giving a contract certain powers is very
different than making a Rule and then trying to restrict it.

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