Sean Hunt wrote:
> Pavitra wrote:
>> AGAINST, it's weird and messes with a deep-rooted concept in the rules.
>> Let's keep "by announcement" simple, pragmatic, and direct, please.
> The problem with 'by announcment' is that it is, in many cases, not by 
> announcement. For instance, when you 'endorse the office', your Pocket 
> Dictionary defines the action. Yet, by strictly interpreting the rules, 
>   you did not perform the conditional vote specified by your contract 
> because you never explicitly did it.

On rereading the proposal, I agree with you in principle, but I still
want to talk about it some more. It feels underprotoed, uncooked sort
of, for such an important amendment.

For instance, it should specify that the triggering action must be by
announcement. This proposal would allow a private email acting on behalf
of someone to take an action that normally requires public announcement.

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