On Wed, 4 Nov 2009, Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> Third option proto:
> Historical Preservation, AI-3:
> {{
> Create a new Power 3.1 rule entitled "Historical Preservation" with
> the following text:
> {{{
> Any proposal that would cause the amendment or repeal of Rules 104,
> 2105, or 2029 does not take effect, rules to the contrary
> notwithstanding.
> }}}
> }}

I don't have hugely strong feelings about it, but aesthetically I like
the fact that:

1. R104 should be able to defend itself due to its history.  The newbie
   or other occasional repeal attempts are part of that.
2. R2105 *should* have occasional art updates.  No harm in it.  We're
   way behind there.
3. R2029 was put in by scam.  I don't mind it one day exiting, but
   since it came in through a genuine power-4 instrument it should
   be required to use one to change it (which I would fight tooth and
   nail, but still).


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