Kerim Aydin wrote:
> More from the ancient archives.  I think it should come back, it scarcely
> needs modification to do so (maybe a cost jiggle, and an MMI edit):
> Rule 1724/8 (Power=1)
> Urgent Proposals
>        A Proposal is Urgent if all the following conditions are met:
>           i) the text of the message wherein it is submitted
>              explicitly states that it is an Urgent Proposal,
>          ii) The Proposal is Interested.
>        An Urgent Proposal has its Distribution Cost increased by 1.
>        The Promotor may distribute an Urgent Proposal as soon as it
>        becomes Distributable, and e is required to do so within five
>        days. Failure to do so is the Class 1 Infraction of Lack of
>        Urgency, which may be reported by any Player.
>        The Voting Period of an Urgent Proposal is five days from the
>        time the Proposal is distributed.
> -G.

Hm, that sounds nice, but need to be rewritten. "Class 1 Infraction"
should be Class-1-Crime and Rule 107 states: "Rules to the contrary
notwithstanding, the voting period for a decision with at least two
options cannot be shorter than seven days".


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