I just emailed Peter Suber, inviting him to our events and asking for any
commentary he might have. I will forward any response I receive.

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 7:49 PM, Aaron Goldfein <aarongoldf...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 6:31 AM, Charles Walker <
> charles.w.wal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 9 May 2013 01:13, Aaron Goldfein <aarongoldf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> If such a proposal were to pass, I would gladly volunteer to serve as
>>> the officer. Additionally, I think we ought to start planning specific
>>> events for the vigintennial. Otherwise, I imagine I would email old
>>> players, telling them about the vigintennial, and asking if they want to be
>>> involved. Someone would probably respond with "Sure, what do you want me to
>>> do?" And to that question, I would have no answer.
>>> Therefore, I think we should try to start planning a series of games,
>>> celebrations, and events, some that could be played leading up to the
>>> event, and others that could be enacted around the event.
>>> Things I just pulled off the top of my head. Please offer additions:
>>> 1. An accelerated game of Nomic, starting from Agora's initial ruleset
>>> (possibly slightly modified if necessary), but made so that timelimits are
>>> extremely short. The game would have an immutable rule ending it within a
>>> week if it hadn't already, the winner being the player with the most
>>> points. Hopefully we would start this game one week before the
>>> vigintennial, with the winner being crowned on July 30th.
>>> 2. A creativity competition. Entrants would be tasked with creating, in
>>> any medium, a work which utilized as its subject matter Agora's 20 years of
>>> existence.
>>> 3. Agoran pub trivia. We would all meet on irc or something similar one
>>> night and have a pub trivia-esque contest on the history of Agora.
>>> 4. Some event which involves Peter Suber if we can get him on board.
>>> This could be as simple as asking him to comment on the progression of
>>> Agora, and specifically some of the current state of Agora. Even better
>>> would be if we could get him involved in some of our competitions or
>>> festivities.
>>> The winners of all of these events could be given patent titles, etc.
>>  T-minus thirteen days, roughly.
>> Yally, are you still interested in organising some of this? The proposal
>> to make these suggestions official failed quorum, but it can still be done
>> informally with patent titles awarded after the birthday.
>> -- Walker
> I could, I suppose. I won't have a ton of time coming up, so I don't want
> to commit myself to too much. I encourage anyone to try to enact any
> festivities on the above list, or of eir own creation, as the Vigintennial
> quickly approaches. I also see no reason why some of these elements can't
> continue on past the 30th as well, continuing with their purpose of
> celebrating the Vigintennial. I'll start work on some of these items, and
> I'll send a message to the list as I accomplish things. I encourage others
> to do the same.

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