Going with the idea that a subgame should ideally be fun and interesting right 
off the bat, rather than merely providing a mechanism for being made 
interesting, I'm currently working on a draft set of rules for Fall of the 
Republic. (Naturally, I'm trying to make them fun and interesting right off the 

The ideal I'm aiming for is pretty much "nomic chess": simple pieces that 
interact in complicated ways, with lots of opportunity for legal wrangling.

For what it's worth, here's the map I've come up with (A. Minor and Med. Af. 
being Asia Minor and Mediterranean Africa):

Region    Connections
Greece    Italy, A. Minor
A. Minor  Greece, Syria
Syria     A. Minor, Med. Af.
Med. Af.  Syria, Carthage, Spain
Spain     Med. Af., Sardinia, Corsica, Gaul
Gaul      Spain, Italy
Italy     Gaul, Corsica, Sicily, Greece
Sicily    Italy, Carthage
Carthage  Sicily, Med. Af., Sardinia
Sardinia  Carthage, Spain, Corsica
Corsica   Sardinia, Spain, Italy

A half-decent visual map is currently at 
http://naga.s.zbasu.net/~tswett/FotR.png. I don't intend to keep this map up 
for an extended period of time.


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