I'm considering a more expansive take on Gigs, where several
report-based offices would be turned entirely into Gigs.

Here's my specific thoughts, which I wanted to share for feedback before
working on the proposal:

-Create Weekly and Monthly Gigs which get paid somewhere around 2-5 shinies.

-Require 2 to 14 days notice before performing a Gig (mostly to prevent
duplicated work).

-Don't change Arbitor, Assessor, Herald, PM, Promotor, Referee,
Secretary, Speaker, or Tailor.

-Remove the Registrar's monthly report.

-Remove ADoP, Reportor, Rulekeepor, and Superintendent.

-Create the following weekly gigs: offices meta-report, discussion
summary, slr, and agency changes.

-Create the following monthly gigs: flr, full agency list, historical
record of players, list of recently resolved CFJs.

Removing 4 offices potentially saves Agora 40 shinies a month if those
offices are completely inactive. Additionally, the direct reward for
work and lowered assumption of responsibility should encourage more work
getting done.

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