On 05/01/17 19:24, Aris Merchant wrote:
> I disagree. The point of offices is that in least in theory they
> provide consistency. The fact that they haven't been doing that lately
> means that we may need to change the incentive system, for instance by
> penalizing tardy officers, or **by creating a direct reward for
> deputization.**
This actually may be the best idea, especially because of it's simplicity.
> It doesn't mean we need to get rid of them. Offices are a significant
> part of Agoran history, and have generally proven fairly effective at
> completing the work needed to keep Agora running. While I understand
> you wouldn't get rid of all of them, the rulesets need to come out on
> a regular basis, as do the meta-reports, agency reports, and CFJ
> transcripts.
Point taken on meta-reports, rulesets, and agency reports. Unless I'm
mistaken nobody tracks CFJ findings right now, which I was trying to
sneak back in.
> Allowing these to lapse without any one person responsible for them
> would have worrying consequences for the game. It was a pain for
> everyone to have to look up the rule changes since November. This
> risks being worse, by removing the consistency and accountability
> provided by these 4 offices.
I can see your points about offices being more accountable, but I still
want to make rewards more directly predicated on work.

A potential compromise: Lower the payrate for all offices and add a
separate payment for reports published, paid to the player who published
it. An unproductive officeholder would get some but not much, a
productive one would get a lot. Deputization would have a more direct
reward. And if an officeholder is becoming busy, e could resign without
losing pay for eir previous work.
> On Mon, May 1, 2017 at 5:08 PM Nic Evans <nich...@gmail.com
> <mailto:nich...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I'm considering a more expansive take on Gigs, where several
>     report-based offices would be turned entirely into Gigs.
>     Here's my specific thoughts, which I wanted to share for feedback
>     before
>     working on the proposal:
>     -Create Weekly and Monthly Gigs which get paid somewhere around
>     2-5 shinies.
>     -Require 2 to 14 days notice before performing a Gig (mostly to
>     prevent
>     duplicated work).
>     -Don't change Arbitor, Assessor, Herald, PM, Promotor, Referee,
>     Secretary, Speaker, or Tailor.
>     -Remove the Registrar's monthly report.
>     -Remove ADoP, Reportor, Rulekeepor, and Superintendent.
>     -Create the following weekly gigs: offices meta-report, discussion
>     summary, slr, and agency changes.
>     -Create the following monthly gigs: flr, full agency list, historical
>     record of players, list of recently resolved CFJs.
>     Removing 4 offices potentially saves Agora 40 shinies a month if those
>     offices are completely inactive. Additionally, the direct reward for
>     work and lowered assumption of responsibility should encourage
>     more work
>     getting done.

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