On 05/24/17 15:24, Nic Evans wrote:
> On 05/24/17 15:03, Josh T wrote:
>> > [...] to solve the problem of orgs receiving assets they don't want
>> and don't know how to deal with [...]
>> I think it's valuable to allow orgs to not want to take part in the
>> Shiny system if they don't want to. 
>> > Why play a game where I may lose some shinies and not gain a stamp
>> when I could just save my shinies to farm more stamps?
>> Because the stamps rule proposal says 15 *different* stamps, so
>> someone angling for this victory has to get some stamps from sources
>> they can't control.
> Create a shell org to buy stamps when they're cheap, and do nothing
> else. You pay 5 shinies for it once, and from then on you can buy 2
> Stamps at the minimum price every month. When Stamp prices go up, sell
> the excess stamps to fund new orgs. After a couple months (assuming
> prices fluxtuate up and down, by as little as 2 shinies, monthly)
> you're making unique stamps for free.

Clarification: By 'for free' I mean, without paying any extra. It's
cheaper or as cheap to make shinies this way as it is to cooperate. A
good economy is based on the value you create for others, not for yourself.

>> If the Agora community as a whole doesn't want to encourage a player
>> sitting on three organizations (the number I think is reasonable)
>> farming stamps, the community as a whole doesn't have to accept that
>> player's stamps.
> The Budget system works by acting as a streamlined currency. Everyone
> is 'paying in' to maintain the org, and the price per individual can
> go down as the org grows. A hard limit removes the advantages of
> trying to make inclusive orgs, and reduces the strategic moves available.
>> Actually, I think I would support an addition to the rule which
>> increases the destroy value of a stamp if a stamp of that type had
>> not been created recently, giving stamps a hold value as well. 
> That might be an interesting mechanic. Even without codifying it, rare
> Stamps may trade at a premium because variety is important.
>> 天火狐
>> On 24 May 2017 at 15:51, Aris Merchant
>> <thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 12:41 PM, Josh T
>>     <draconicdarkn...@gmail.com <mailto:draconicdarkn...@gmail.com>>
>>     wrote:
>>     > On a more serious note, the proposal says that the organization
>>     needs to pay
>>     > an administrative fee, but the latest version of the Assets
>>     proposal states
>>     > that an organization can decide for themselves if they want to
>>     accept an
>>     > asset. While I think the budget system is clunky, I would
>>     rather a player
>>     > pay a one-time administration fee to create an Organization,
>>     and have a
>>     > restriction on how many organizations a player is allowed to be
>>     in (which is
>>     > my understanding a feature of the budget system) than force all
>>     > Organizations to have a Shiny balance.
>>     I'm happy to remove that section, or to grant shinies an exception. I
>>     just added it to solve the problem of orgs receiving assets they
>>     don't
>>     want and don't know how to deal with, which came up in a discussion.
>>     -Aris

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