I feel that I would rather get a Yellow Card than get Shiny fines since I
currently lack a consistent way to earn Shiny. But I support the idea to
get something going well, and sideline everything else until it needs to
get addressed. I have a few ideas bouncing around, and maybe I should get
around to writing my first proposal.


On 24 August 2017 at 21:20, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> On Fri, 25 Aug 2017, Alex Smith wrote:
> > Likewise, the fix for SHALLs is probably to make them only apply to
> > officers, and have a neat list of all the relevant SHALLs in the rule
> > defining the office. They serve an important role in preventing the
> > game breaking, but they're the kind of thing that can easily trip up a
> > new player if they apply to everyone.
> And also, the only really effective use of Cards currently IMO is if
> someone needs to be removed from office.
> I think Card punishments short of this extreme should be turned into
> Shiny fines.

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