> On Sep 26, 2017, at 9:34 PM, ATMunn . <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I create the following proposal:

Some initial feedback: this is fantastic as a first proposal goes. You’ve 
nailed the mechanical elements, it looks like, and taken advantage of existing 
systems where appropriate. Furthermore, it’s a neat piece of theme. Nice work 
all around,

> Title: "Cheer Up"
> Author: ATMunn
> Co-Authors: none
> AI: 1
> Create a power-1 rule titled "Emotions"
> {
>     Emotion is a player switch, tracked by the registrar, with possible 
> values Joyous, Melancholy, and Indifferent, that defaults to Indifferent.
>     At any time, any player CAN flip eir own Emotion to any value it is 
> currently not.
>     When doing this, e MUST provide a reason as to why e changed eir Emotion 
> as such.
>     Failing to do so can result in a Green Card being issued to the player.

You can remove this clause entirely. The “e MUST provide a reason” is 
sufficient to trigger a card, and rules that specify which card tend to be 
prone to abuse. Furthermore, the platonic voice “can result in” is an unusual 
way to constrain the Referee, and I’m not sure it would work as required.

If you really want to recommend that breaches be punished only with a Green 
Card, then “The Referee SHOULD issue a Green Card for violations of this rule” 
or something to that effect might be a more effective way to encode it.

>     If a player thinks that another player's reason for changing eir Emotion 
> is invalid, e SHOULD point eir finger at em.

This is a subtle bug, for a first proposal, but: finger-pointing is for 
rule-breaking, and I can’t see any rule, including in this proposal, that makes 
providing an invalid reason for flipping an Emotion switch against the rules. 
You might need a MUST or SHALL NOT in here somewhere, at which point the 
direction to point fingers is superfluous as that’s what those terms imply 

>     A player's Emotion has the following affects:
>     Indifferent: No effect.
>     Melancholy: Any player that is not Melancholy may pat any Melancholy 
> player on the back. Upon doing this, the Melancholy player is ENCOURAGED to 
> change eir emotion to Joyous.
>     Joyous: Any player that is Joyous is ENCOURAGED to pat Melancholy players 
> on the back. E is also ENCOURAGED to do other kind acts, such as paying 
> shinies to other players or pending other players' proposals.
> }

This is super cute, and provides some neat prompts for interaction. Adding some 
length or structure SHOULDs might help, just as writing prompts, but I like the 
overall feel of this.


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