On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 at 18:49 VJ Rada <vijar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Good, I'm glad o. This Blue Card is legal, but the penalty is not
> effective. I call an urgent CFJ with the statement: A blue card can
> only have a penalty imposed in shinies.
> Alexis and PSS are and should be obviously disqualified...I bar Telnaior.


Rule 2506 says that the penalty must be  "between 1 shiny and the greater
of 25 shinies and the amount the bad sport profited from the infraction,".
If the profit is not in shinies, this leads to only two possible
intepretations of the rule:
a) The maximum is the shiny-equivalent of the amount profited.
b) The maximum can be in the currency profited.

There is no specification that the maximum must be in shinies, however, so
I think b) is correct. Clearly, the "amount e profited" in this case is
3000 NPR Favours, it is not some number of shinies. Thus, a fine of
anything between 1 shiny and 3000 NPR Favours is valid; it's unclear what
fits in between this, but 3000 NPR Favours must be included since it is the
end of the allowable range.


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