On 7/7/20 12:01 PM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
> I bid 35.000000000000000000000000000000000001 coins

I may have started this, but it doesn't actually work.

Rule 2509 says:

>       A "number" is considered to refer to a real number, unless
>       otherwise explicitly specified.  A "number of (items)", where
>       (items) is a set of discrete entities, is considered to refer to a
>       non-negative integer, unless otherwise explicitly specified.

The auction method says:

>    * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by specifying an amount
>      of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to any bid on that
>      auction. >    * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by 
> announcement.

"amount" is close enough to number that I think the rules would force it
to be a non-negative integer. This means that all of the fractional bids

Jason Cobb

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