On 7/7/2020 1:09 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-discussion wrote:
> On 2020-07-07 13:59, ATMunn via agora-discussion wrote:
>> On 7/7/2020 3:54 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:
>>> On 7/7/2020 12:28 PM, ATMunn via agora-discussion wrote:
>>>> ADoP: 2
>>>> Arbitor: 1
>>> If we got this route I might see about formalizing the CotC?  The strict
>>> Arbitor's duties (which can just be assignment on the fly and few records
>>> kept) is probably a 1, but keeping it organized/archived is where all the
>>> work is?  [and the periods of time when an Arbitor was assigning by
>>> replying to CFJs is the hardest to go back and reconstruct, so it's
>>> definitely value-added I think!].
>> I'm not opposed to CotC being formalized. It's a lot of work for
>> currently no game reward. Plus, it would make it a bit clearer for new
>> players to understand what it actually is.
> If I'm being completely honest, I thought the CotC tags were just 
> autogenerated and was just an old name for Arbitor.

Sorta.  In 2014 we went back to basics and repealed the CotC and had the
Speaker assign cases.  Then when that got too much again we brought the
office back, but under the new name.  The old CotC had an official "post
the case after the fact" duty, and the new job description left that all

After a while we realized missing the archive posts was a Bad Thing. So
sometime in, I dunno 2015 maybe?, ais523 (I think) agreed to to Arbitor if
e didn't have to keep all the records, and I agreed to do CotC as long as
I didn't have to be timely (could catch up monthly or whatever).  So we
agreed to that split and never formalized it.

I'm comfortable doing both atm because a lot of what I did manually before
is now automated, but it's nice to have the option of splitting the job
(and/or not moving the archives with the office).  If I resigned Arbitor
I'd give the new Arbitor the option of em doing CotC or me doing it
(unless we make it two offices of course).  I'm using the [CotC] tag to
signal "this is after the fact and I'm not performing any official duties


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