On 4/8/22 13:34, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:
> Also, while timing scams are interesting gameplay, I don't think it's a
> good idea to change the rules for the sole purpose of making them easier
> to perform. In this specific situation, the timing element is likely to
> be repealed soon anyway.

Tangent to this topic:

I feel like there's a recent push for these minmaxing/optimization tools
(automation, acting on behalf, contracts) etc. The problem is that
minmaxing/optimization is basically solving a puzzle. And once a puzzle
is solved it's boring. This is what happened with Cards in Sets, they're
solved now thanks to contracts. That was a fun exercise that took us a
while of play. But that was a sub-game. If Agora as a whole becomes
solve-able, it becomes boring.


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