On 5/21/23 15:12, secretsnail9 via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Sun, May 21, 2023 at 12:35 PM Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-business <
> agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>>   This is my Judgement for CFJ 4030, which asks:
>>       Per Rule 2680, a player can anoint a ritual number multiple times
>>       for a single instance of a ritual act.
>> This is also my first Judgement. I hope I did alright.
>> Guidance in Rule 217 states:
>>       When interpreting and applying the rules, the text of the rules
>>       takes precedence. Where the text is silent, inconsistent, or
>>       unclear, it is to be augmented by game custom, common sense, past
>>       judgements, and consideration of the best interests of the game.
>> However, the text of the rule isn't clear, such text being:
>>       When a ritual act is performed, any player CAN, within 7 days, by
>>       announcement anoint a ritual number, specifying the ritual act and
>>       the new ritual number.
>> The text of the rule can be understood to mean either that you can anoint
>> once, or that you can anoint multiple times.
>> Arguments in favor of being able to anoint several times has been Agoran
>> custom, custom which I am personally not very familiar with, but evidence
>> from G. and a lack of counterarguments to this seems reasonable enough to
>> permit it as evidence for this case:
>>       I wholly agree that the "whole deck" interpretation is Agoran current
>> custom
>>       and that, barring minor technical issues, this win was obtained
>> totally fairly
>>       under that assumption.
>> However, there are also arguments in favor that you shouldn't be able to
>> anoint several times, for example, from Caller nix, which seems to me to
>> allude to what would be "in the best interests of the game":
>>       To me, the intuitive reading of "When [event] happens, a player CAN
>>       [verb]" is that a player can do the verb one time per event. This is
>> the
>>       way I would mean this is plain speech, and it's the way the rules of
>>       pretty much any board game are written. "When [event] happens, draw a
>>       card" doesn't usually mean you can draw more than one card. Nothing
>> in
>>       the rules (that I see) seems to suggest any reason that Agora would
>>       interpret this differently than plain speech or analogous situations
>> in
>>       other games.
> I thought I should add my voice to this. I actually do see a suggestion of
> the "whole deck" interpretation in the text of the rules. The rules text in
> question uses "CAN", which is defined as follows: "Attempts to perform the
> described action are successful." Note that "attempts" is plural. This
> suggests that by default, a CAN allows multiple instances of the same
> action to succeed. This definition of CAN is very permissive-feeling, so I
> think you judged correctly in not restricting the CAN to only allowing a
> single action.
> --
> snail

Not that this is the actual basis for the judgement, but I don't think
that's relevant. To me, this clearly hinges/hinged on "After" not "CAN".

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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