On 5/22/23 15:44, Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-discussion wrote:
> Yes, but wouldn't certain CfJs be likely to enter into Moot Tennis if we
> don't take the opinion of the majority as a tiebreaker as Judges? We can
> keep going back and forth with Moots, because 2+N Support seems fairly easy
> to pull off.
> How is the Moot Tennis supposed to end?

The Arbitor knows what e's doing and doesn't want endless moots either.
For moots ending in REMIT, e can pick someone that will end the controversy.

If there's still sustained disagreement, the CFJ process has failed to
establish consensus and something else (a proposal) is needed.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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