Herald's Report - January 30, 2009

                   HISTORICAL RULES CORNER
Rule 1042/15 (Power=1)
Zombification Due to Silence

      Each Player is always Noisy, Quiet, or Silent, but never more
      than one of these.  Whenever a Player posts to a Public Forum,
      or a new Player registers, that Player is Noisy.

      Any Player who has not caused another Player to become Quiet
      within the last 24 hours can cause another Active Noisy Player
      to become Quiet by stating that e is doing so, and clearly
      identifying that Player, in a Public Forum.  If a Player has
      been Quiet continuously for two weeks, e becomes Silent.  If a
      Player has been Inactive continuously for two months, e becomes

      Any Player can make a Silent Player a Zombie by publicly
      alleging that the Silent Player has abandoned the game.  A
      Player has abandoned the game if and only if e is Silent.  As
      soon as possible after a public allegation that a Player has
      abandoned the game, the Registrar shall publicly confirm or deny
      that the Player is a Zombie.

      If a Speaker has abandoned the game, e commits the Class 15
      Crime of Speaker Abandonment, to be detected and reported by any
      Player.  E ceases to be Speaker, and the Speaker-Elect becomes
      Speaker.  The previous Speaker then becomes a Zombie.
Rule 1884/4 (Power=1)
Zombie Masters

      Zombies are Property.  The owner of a Zombie is called eir
      Master.  Whenever a Player becomes a Zombie, eir Master is the

      Whenever the Master of a Zombie is a Player, e has Power of
      Attorney for that Zombie, unless the Rules withdraw it from

      The Registrar is the Recordkeepor of each Zombie.

                            EVENTS LOG

  25 Nov 2008 13:53:47 -0800
      - comex and ehird gain the Patent Title of Scamster.

  28 Nov 2008 14:15:33 +0000
      - P1-P100 gain the Patent Title of Left in a Huff.

  03 Dec 2008 06:49:55 -0500
      - Pavitra wins by Points.

  03 Dec 2008 08:05:25 -0500
      - Pavitra gains the Patent Titles of Champion.
      - Pavitra gains the Patent Title of
        Minister without Portfolio.
      - The Patent Title of Minister without Portfolio is
        administratively revoked from non-player Levi.

  05 Dec 2008 11:26:05 +0000
      - ais523 deputizes for Speaker to assign December 2008

  07 Dec 2008 18:12:14 -0800
      - Murphy terminates P1-P100. Whether or not P1-P100 keep
        Left in a Huff to be determined by CFJ 2306. [Judged TRUE]

[Time of Last Report]

  23 Dec 2008 16:00:59 -0800
      - Goethe attempts a win via a Holiday-dictatorship scam.
        Failed according to CFJ 2321.
  28 Dec 2008 11:53:50 -0500
      - comex and ais523 try a scam similar to Goethe's scam. comex
        doesn't win because e's in the Chokey, and the scam
        is judged not to work by CFJ 2330.

  07 Jan 2009 02:45:59 +0000
      - ais523 assigns January prerogatives.

  07 Jan 2009 18:59:19 -0500
      - Wooble gets into the Holiday scam fad. Judged not to work
        by CFJ 2357.

  26 Jan 2009 22:59:09 +0000
      - ais523 assigns February prerogatives.

                       THE SCROLL OF AGORA

             Tierced palewise sable, argent, and sable,
             charged with a quill and an axe in saltire,
             proper, and in the chief
                                a capital letter A,

                              ____  _        /|
                   DARWIN ->  \_  |/ |      / \
                             __/    /      |  |
           <- DSV          /      /        |  \
                       _   \      \_       |   \
                 MORNINGTON CRESCENT ->    /    |  <- GOETHE BARRIER
                _ _/       |         \_/\_/     \     REEF
               / \\ <- SHARK BAY      |         |
              /            |          |          \ <- TOWNSVILLE
           ___/            |          |           \_
        __/                |          |  .___o  )   |
       /                   |          | ~~vv ===~~~ <-OSCAR'S MIRE
      /           O <- SHERLOCK NESS  |             |/\
     |                     |          |               |_
     |                     |          |  EMERALD ->     \
     \                     |__________=_____,             \ BRISBANE
      /                    |                |             | <-'
      \      O <- LT. ANNE MOORE            |        __  _\
       \                   |                |_______/  \/ |  LORD
        |                __/\      <- TARCOOLA           /   HOWE ->
        \  PERTH      __/    \_             /           /
         | <-'  _  __/         |   /| IVANHOE ->       | <-.
         /    _/ \/             \ / /       |         /  WOLLONGONG
        |_   /     <- ESPERANTO  v /__     |_        / <- CANBERRA
          \_/                         \    | \_    _|
                 __   __              |    |   \__/
                __ \ / __              \___=_  ___|
               /  \ | /  \     MANUBOURNE -> \/
              _,.---v---._                 /\__
     /\__/\  /            \                |   |
     \_  _/ /              \                |  /
       \ \_|           @ __|                \_/ <- HOBART
        \                \_
         \     ,__/       /

                "Agora n'est pas une fontaine."

                 pikhq            31-Dec-07 // Inactive
                 BobTHJ            2-Mar-08 // Inactive
                 ais523           24-Jun-08 <- Speaker
                 Zefram           30-Jun-08 // Inactive
                 Pavitra           3-Dec-08

                Prerogatives for December 2008
                 Wielder of Extra Votes  Pavitra
                 Justiciar               ais523
                 Wielder of Rubberstamp  BobTHJ
                 Wielder of Veto         pikhq
                 Default Officeholder    Zefram

                Prerogatives for January 2009
                 Wielder of Extra Votes  BobTHJ
                 Justiciar               pikhq
                 Wielder of Rubberstamp  Zefram
                 Wielder of Veto         ais523
                 Default Officeholder    Pavitra

                Prerogatives for February 2009
                 Wielder of Extra Votes  BobTHJ
                 Justiciar               Pavitra
                 Wielder of Rubberstamp  ais523
                 Wielder of Veto         pikhq
                 Default Officeholder    Zefram

          CARDS  Goddess Eris, Goethe, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root
        CONTEST  Goddess Eris, OscarMeyr
         MANIAC  Craig, root
        PARADOX  Goethe, Murphy, root, BobTHJ, ais523, ehird
         POINTS  Elysion, Goethe, Levi, Murphy, Steve, ais523 (x2),
       PROPOSAL  Human Point Two, Morendil, Steve (x3), Andre (x3),
      TROMBONES  Blob, elJefe, General Chaos, Steve
    UNSPECIFIED  Chuck, Dave Bowen, favor, Garth, Ian, Jeffrey, KoJen,
                 Michael, Oerjan, Swann, t, Timothy, Troublemaker at
                 Large, Vanyel(x2), Wes(x2).  *(7/6): Chuck, elJefe,
                 Kelly, KoJen, Morendil, Steve, Swann, Troublemaker at
                 Large; *(4/3): Chuck, Kelly, KoJen, Steve,
                 Troublemaker at Large, Wes; *(3/2): Chuck, Kelly,
                 Steve; *(5/3): Kelly, Steve; *(11/6): Kelly
                 *(N/P): Full patent title is Champion*(N/P) where
                 N/P is the winning ratio.


                   GRAND HERO OF AGORA NOMIC
         Peter Suber, Chuck Carroll, Douglas Hofstadter

              Goethe, Maud, Elysion, Sherlock, Murphy

                          ELDER LURKER
                       David Nicol, Michael

                   Troublemaker at Large, Waggie,
      Goethe, Steve, Murphy, root, OscarMeyr, comex, ehird

                          LEFT IN A HUFF
          Waggie, Gecko, Kelly (x3!), Swann, KoJen, Zefram,
          Vlad, Andre, Goethe, BobTHJ, P1-P100 [pending CFJ 2306]

                       LONG SERVICE AWARDS
     Three Months:   Goddess Eris, Goethe, Sherlock, Michael, Murphy,
                         OscarMeyr, root, Iammers, Wooble, Zefram,
                         ais523, BobTHJ, comex, PerlNomic Partnership
     Six Months:     Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, Sherlock,
                                       Goethe, Zefram, Wooble
     Nine Months:    Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, Goethe, Zefram,
     Twelve Months:  Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, Goethe, Zefram

                        HIGHER EDUCATION
   Bachelor of Nomic (B.N.):                elJefe, favor, Steve,
                                            Vanyel, Kolja A., Murphy
   Doctor of Nomic History (D.N.Hist.):     Swann, Vlad
   Doctor of Nomic Philosophy (D.N.Phil.):  Steve

:                   Andre
Admiral:            Goethe
Agoran Spy:         pikhq
Agoraphobe:         Antimatter, BethMo, Blue
Boor:               General Chaos, Macross, Murphy, Sherlock, elJefe,
Came Back in a Puff: BobTHJ
Current Champion:   The Goddess Eris
Distributor:        Steve
Entrepreneur:       Chuck
Exorcist:           Oerjan
Fantasy Rule Catalyst:    Peter
Fantasy Rule Compulsion:  Zefram
Fantasy Rule Conspirator: OscarMeyr
Fantasy Rule Creator:     Murphy
Historian:          Vlad
Honorless Worm:     Kelly
Maniac:             Craig, Peekee, root
Miscreant:          Pakaran
Nomic Thief:        Swann
Originator:         Chuck
Plagiarist:         ehird
Pugachev:           Goethe
Robespierre:        Goethe
Samurai:            Michael, Murphy
Shogun:             Michael
Sorcerer's Apprentice:   comex

                     Winners' Cups
    Paper Cup:     Dave Bowen, favor, Garth, Harlequin, Ian, Jeffrey,
                   Michael, Murphy, Oerjan, Timothy, Vanyel
    Tin Cup:       Blob
    Glass Cup:     Swann, elJefe, KoJen, Troublemaker at Large, Wes
    Crystal Cup:   Andre, Chuck, Morendil
    Gold Cup:      General Chaos
    Ruby Cup:      Steve
    Supreme Cup:   Crito

                  FUGITIVES OF THE NEW LAW

      FUGITIVES OF THE OLD LAW (Players who left Under a Cloud,
                                unofficial list)

                Player         Date deregistered
                Elde            4 Oct 97
                Time Agent     16 Apr 98
                Antimatter     31 Oct 98
                Proglet        15 Jan 99
                Macross        23 Mar 99
                Vlad           21 Jun 99
                Morendil       28 Jun 99
                Beefurabi       7 Sep 99
                elJefe         16 Apr 00
                Ziggy           9 Jul 01
                Evantine        1 Nov 01
                pTang          12 May 02
                Blaise         11 Jul 02
                Syllepsis      30 Sep 02
                neil            2 Mar 03
                Craig           9 Mar 03
                Blob           22 Feb 04
                Magu           11 Apr 04
                Peekee         11 Apr 04
                Cainech        19 Jun 04
                Wes            14 Nov 04
                t              05 Jan 05
                Pakaran        07 Apr 05
                Sir Toby       20 May 05

                    THE LAST ZEITGEIST
                        Chuck (3848)

              = Office of the Agoran Herald =

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