Kawan2 Netter,

Dibawah ada berita potensi kerugian pajak yang disebabkan oleh inner
trading batu bara.
Produksi baru bara Indonesia 2007 tidak transparan dan mungkin besarnya
kira2 200 juta ton.
Diduga 30% batu bara ditambang tanpa surat2.
Sudah itu seperti contoh dibawah ada dugaan bahwa inner trading liwat
Singapura sangat gencar.

Disini terjadi kebocoran pajak besar2an.
Contoh dibawah dimana kerugian pajak ditaksir US$ 62,46 juta
mengherankan saya.
Soalnya perbedaan harga adalah US$ 95 - US $ 32 = US$ 63

PPh + royalty = 35 + 13,5 % = 48,5 %

Jadi beda pajak harusnya 0,485 x 63 x 10 juta = US$ 305,5 juta.

Barangkali ada yang paham urusan pajak batu bara untuk memberi
pencerahan, apakah 2007 kita kehujanan durian runtuh pajak batu abra
atau memang aturan pajak demikian sehingga pajaknya kecil.


Hok An


Lawmakers seek Adaro investigation

Novia D. Rulistia ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Wed, 06/11/2008
10:37 AM

Lawmakers have urged the House of Representatives to investigate a
transfer pricing allegation involving the country's second largest coal
producer, PT Adaro Energy, saying it allegedly caused state losses of Rp
583.2 billion (US$62.46 million).

The proposal was submitted by 34 members from Commissions VII and XI on

"We will establish an investigation team after a vote in next week's
plenary meeting," said Alvin Lie, a member of commission VII overseeing
energy affairs.

He was sure all factions would support the proposal, as the case does
not involve any political interests.

Alvin said the investigation would focus on the sale of 10 million tons
of high quality coal to Singapore-based Coaltrade Services International
Ltd at a below-market price to avoid higher taxes.

Coaltrade bought the coal from Adaro at a price of $32 per ton when coal
prices had reached $95 ton per ton at the end of 2007, he said.

"State losses can be calculated from 35 percent of income tax and 13.5
percent of royalties, times 10 million tons," he said. The Singaporean
government, he added, only imposed 10 percent income tax.

Adaro corporate secretary Andre Mamuaya said the company had already
been cleared of the accusation.

"We're saying that we didn't do any transfer pricing. The previous
investigation conducted by the Attorney General's Office (AGO) showed
that there was no indication of it," he said.

The AGO dropped the case for lack of evidence in February.

The transfer pricing issue might hamper the company's initial public
offering (IPO) plan, in addition to the ongoing dispute between two
Indonesian business tycoons, Sukanto Tanoto and Edwin Soeryadjaya, and a
major international bank, in a struggle to control a coal mine worth
billions of dollars.

Sukanto, owner of the Beckett Group, believes he lost a coal mine
concession in South Kalimantan with three billion tons of reserves
because Deutsche Bank and Edwin, who owns shares in Saratoga Capital,
conspired against him. Saratoga owns 32 percent of shares in Adaro.

Beckett brought a case against Deutsche Bank to court in Singapore late
last year and lost. Beckett submitted an appeal to the Central Jakarta
State Court last month.

Amid the escalating dispute, Adaro plans to launch the IPO later this
month in a bid to expand its coal business.

The Adaro IPO, planned for June 24 to 28, is set to become the country's
largest-ever stock market flotation resulting in mobilization of Rp 12

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