Hi Digby,
  Just a note - in circumstances that you have just described,
the greater the level and range of autocorrelation means the more precise
your estimate of the mean will be.

If your 1000 cores were randomly sampled from the population of 1 million,
then the fact that some (perhaps many) of pairs of datapoints lie less than
the (variogram) range apart
will not matter. s^2 is a valid, unbiased estimate of the population
(The population is defined here as being the 1,000,000 possible cores that
could be taken from this area - not of the process that generated this

What's more the typical simple random sample (SRS) standard error (s^2/n),
will perform exactly as expected. 

If you chose to use a more sensible design, say a grid (systematic sample)
.. then your s^2/n would 
be in fact be an _overestimate_ of the standard error.


-----Original Message-----
From: Digby Millikan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 9 December 2004 8:32 a.m.
To: ai-geostats
Subject: Re: [ai-geostats] Re: Sill versus least-squares classical variance

RE: [ai-geostats] Re: Sill versus least-squares classical variance

 You misunderstood me, the 1 million data is the total unknown dataset. Say
you have a volume in a mine and it's volume is 1 million 1 metre core
samples. You drill the volume and have a sample set of 1000 1m core samples.
You then analyse the statistics of the 1000 samples to try and estimate the
variance of the total volume (1 million core samples).  So your estimate of
the variance comes from the 1000 samples. You can plot the variogram of the
1000 samples and you can also calculate it's variance. You are trying to
estimate the variance of the 1 million peices of core which you do not have.
So you must decide wether your 1000 sample set is a true representation of
the 1 million.
Our argument is that samples within the 1000 which are clustered together do
not create a good representation of the true dataset and will create a
biased estimate.


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