On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Andy Wingo wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Kevin Conder wrote:
> > <rant>
> >     Finally, if you're going to turn everything over to the Wikki
> > kiddies then count me out! I believe in quality over quantity.
> > </rant>
> having written my share of documents, it's not the format that matters;

        I was unclear, I wasn't talking about format. IMHO, using a Wikki
for technical documentation is misguided. Since it's off-topic, we can
discuss this off of the list.

> but you've
> demonstrated it best yourself, converting mark rage's document from the
> wiki to docbook was easier than writing something yourself.

        I converted Mark Rage's document to DocBook as a demonstration.
Nobody asked me to re-write it. Was I supposed to?

        Too often, Open Source hackers develop NIH (Not-Invented-Here)
Syndrome. You see them do the same work over and over. I try to avoid
that, if possible. That's why I have worked with the maintainers of
the existing documents like Mark and Valentijn.

        I'm dumb-founded by this personal attack... Maintenance work might
be "mechanical" but it's necessary.

-- Kevin Conder, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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