On Wed, 20 Feb 2002 01:01, Patrick Shirkey wrote:

> http://www.boosthardware.com/LAU/alsa/template2.html

I hope you don't mind me adding the above contents to this Wiki below...


It took me less than 2 minutes to create the above page, and anyone
can revise or add new material without any impediments... too easy.

> Also I have not recieved any feedback on my attempt at updating the
> mainpage to meet peoples requests. In case you missed it you can find it
> here:
> http://www.boosthardware.com/LAU/alsa/

That is an excllent intro, I'd certainly vote that it gets merged into the official
site. Pity is wasn't a Wiki where you could have already made the changes
rather than having to waste time lobbying.


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