On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 07:41 pm, Steve Conrad wrote:
> ...
> btw, I would not be at all averse to helping out with the reprehensible
> state of documentation for alsa.

ANYONE can edit, correct or add to the growing store of quite
useful info at http://alsa.opensrc.org. I hope some of the
accumulated info will find itself in formal docs one day but
in the mean time it's a useful system considering the lack of
ALSA documentation. The new FAQ kicked off by Florian (many 
thanks) could do with some more attention.

Because of this Wiki, which gets several 1000 hits per day, it
is hard to criticize the state of ALSA docs because if you or
anyone is disgruntled then... do something about it!. Help your
fellow ALSA user and write up something... anything, a tip or
a hint about using ALSA, or reorganise some pages... anything.


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