On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:21 am, Richard Kimber wrote:

particular cards etc. it's all work in progress. Maybe it's not for
you at this time (that's not elitist remark, alsa simply does not
provide what you want _at this time_)

I wonder then, why does it have a 1.x version number?

Only just, after 5 years. The v1.0 status mainly signifies that the
lower level programers API will not change, at least significantly,
and that it is now Ok for all linux audio developers to dive in and use ALSA, particularly the ones that have held back from converting
from OSS to ALSA because of the changing API in the past (0.5->0.9).

I hope that they keep waiting myself. I was happier when I could get sound out of my soundcard. I know that when I purchase my next soundcard I will make sure that it has an OSS driver so that I can reasonably expect it to function; I never had trouble with a soundcard if it had an OSS driver. If media program developers start switching over to ALSA then, with the current state of things, they will all basically stop working at all.

I don't really know what the big deal was anyway. When I had an OSS driven soundcard I could play MP3s with xmms, watch movies with mplayer, and listen to radio stations again with xmms. Right now I can't do any of that (well, I can 'watch' movies) and I am finding it rather annoying.

If the developers where really just waiting for people to test and send bug reports they should have had plenty of time to get the via82xx system working again since it has been apparently broken since 0.9.0r7.

At any rate, I am dissapointed to see the kernel moving from a known working model to something that is just plain busted.


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