
On Jun 2, 2009, at 11:05 AM, Linda Dunbar wrote:

Thank you very much for the explanation. Since I haven't participated in the ALTO discussion until recently, I am not aware that working group has already reached consensus on the document. Seeing the document is only at its Version 1, I thought the document is still at its early stage and open for input.

More important: thanks for the review! The document went through quite a few revisions at the draft-marocco stage.
I will take you suggestion on trying to draw a "better picture" and submit to the working group for review. If no better picture can be agreed by the working group, I would like to take your offer on putting the following words into the document:

Figure 1 is only representative of the situation and, in particular, does NOT enumerate any particular or favored implementation strategy

Both (either a new figure or the disclaimer text) works for me. Any one else in the group have thoughts?

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