Hi Michael,

Sorry for getting back to this so late: I have been caught on a spiral
of corporate commitments really difficult to get rid of...

We can discuss about those of my statements you don't agree with and those
of your statement I don't agree with in front of a couple of beers along
next meeting.

I think your proposal on an appendix makes sense. Let's go for it and make
things happen.

Be goode,

On 19 Nov 2012, at 17:54 , Scharf, Michael (Michael) wrote:

> Diego, all,
> I won't give further pushback, even if I don't agree to quite a number of 
> your statements. Just one further example to explain why SWD won't solve all 
> problems: Even if we replace U-NAPTR by HTTP(S), according to RFC 5986, the 
> ALTO client still needs access to DHCP options, which is yet another 
> non-HTTP(S) interface to care about.
> For what it is worth, I am convinced both a DNS-based and a HTTP(S) solution 
> can be engineered, each with pros and cons. Yet, the former variant is much 
> better understood in the IETF, and I fail to see a fundamental benefit of SWD 
> that would compensate this.
> In order to move forward, if this helps to sort this issue, I think that we 
> could add a non-normative section to the current draft (or, better, an 
> appendix) that discusses an alternative HTTP-based discovery, in case that 
> such a solution gets widely used in future. It could for instance summarize 
> pros and cons according to this e-mail thread, and leave it up to a future 
> document to standardize this variant (possible, after the mechanism is better 
> worked out in the IETF). It is pretty clear anyway that the current ALTO 
> discovery specification does not address all possible use cases of ALTO (cf. 
> third party discovery).
> Any thoughts on that proposal?
> Michael

"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: di...@tid.es
Tel:    +34 913 129 041
Mobile: +34 682 051 091


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