Hi, Bryan;

The Kenwood TH-F6A is another good choice. The six-segment S-meter works well. That radio family has a decent number of accessories, it's a great way to add 220 MHz to your arsenal if you don't already have it, and the broadband .1MHz to 1.3GHz SSB/CW/AM/FM broadband multi-mode receiver is a nice bonus. Listen to an AM or FM broadcast band station while you're on the field prepping a rocket...

They show up used on e-bay and/or QRZ.com frequently, often with some accessories. I purchased mine, used, several years ago. While I would normally carry it more often, it's currently pressed into service as a low power Allstar node transceiver. Enjoy.


Dave Andreatta
Erie, CO
TRA 19131

On 8/26/2021 8:16 PM, Bryan Duke wrote:
Hey everybody,

My old Radio Shack Pro-164 scanner that I used for DFing to my TeleMinis just died. My only HT is a crummy Baofeng with a worthless signal meter. I’m headed to Hartsel to fly in a few weeks, so I need a replacement soon. What’s everyone’s favorite (still in production & available) HT with a good signal meter for hunting down TeleMini-avbay’ed rockets?

For antennas, I’m using an Arrow 440-3, fox hunt loop and their offset attenuator (all BNC connectors). I’ve read through sites like homingin and others - I’m looking for real world rocket people recommendations please.

I’d like to stay under $300, but I can go over if I need to. That said, I don’t want to spend money just to spend money. I’d like to get an HT instead of just a receiver/scanner so that I can ditch my Baofeng, but I don’t have any other real requirements aside from being a good DFing unit with my existing antennas.

Yaesu VX-6R maybe? What about the much cheaper FT-4XR? Any others?

Thanks a ton!
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