Yeah.....sold mine (which had gps) and bought two gd77s....opengd77 is
much easier to program and use. (Codeplugs are a mess on the

RF performance was/is about the same.

NO gps on the gd77s however....and no aprs reception either. (I do NOT
use either of these on my HH radios, so I cannot say how well they
work on the anytones.)

Bob W9YA

On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 10:41 AM Gary Lech <> wrote:
> Has anybody tried out the AnyTone AT-D868UV? I'm all-in with the 
> TeleMega/Metrum/GPS models which also utilize APRS so that is a must for me. 
> It's priced in the range at $300 from several outlets.
> Cheers,
> Gary
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 8:48 AM Mark Joseph <> wrote:
>> I'm not terribly familiar with some of the very new, very cheap 
>> alternatives, so take this in that context.  As you point out, the s-meter 
>> is so important (and not emphasized in some cheap HTs).  The s-meters on 
>> some cheap radios are a joke.  Since you mention the VX-6R, I just wanted to 
>> say that I've done many years of fox hunting and rocket DF'ing with my 
>> VX-6R, various hand-held beam antennas, and an offset attenuator, and it's 
>> been great (and easy to use with one hand).  And hey, I see that it's still 
>> available at GigaParts for $250. I have not compared specs with the new, 
>> inexpensive FT-4XR, which looks like a potential solution.    My newer, but 
>> still old, VX8-GR has been valuable when receiving APRS packets from a 
>> Telemetrum. It's okay for DF'ing, but its controls require more effort to 
>> use.
>> My $0.2.
>> Mark
>> On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 12:50 AM Bryan Duke <> wrote:
>>> Hey everybody,
>>> My old Radio Shack Pro-164 scanner that I used for DFing to my TeleMinis 
>>> just died. My only HT is a crummy Baofeng with a worthless signal meter. 
>>> I’m headed to Hartsel to fly in a few weeks, so I need a replacement soon. 
>>> What’s everyone’s favorite (still in production & available) HT with a good 
>>> signal meter for hunting down TeleMini-avbay’ed rockets?
>>> For antennas, I’m using an Arrow 440-3, fox hunt loop and their offset 
>>> attenuator (all BNC connectors). I’ve read through sites like homingin and 
>>> others - I’m looking for real world rocket people recommendations please.
>>> I’d like to stay under $300, but I can go over if I need to. That said, I 
>>> don’t want to spend money just to spend money. I’d like to get an HT 
>>> instead of just a receiver/scanner so that I can ditch my Baofeng, but I 
>>> don’t have any other real requirements aside from being a good DFing unit 
>>> with my existing antennas.
>>> Yaesu VX-6R maybe? What about the much cheaper FT-4XR? Any others?
>>> Thanks a ton!
>>> Bryan
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