Hi again,
I would do two things first:
1.) enable the termination on the adapter in the adapter-setup.
Sometimes automatic-termination mode does not do the expected.
2.) set the speed for all devices on this scsi-bus to 5MB/s,
and disable the ultra-mode-operation on this scsi-bus.
I remember reading somewhere that there are issus for the length
of scsi-cables and the operation in ultra-mode. 
Under some conditions you are limited to a total cable-lengt of
something around one meter or so, espacely if you have ultra-devices
(controler) and normal devices (tapedrive) mixed on one scsi-bus.
And try an external terminator. sometimes devices claim to do internal
termination, but in reality the don't do a good work on that.
Hope it helps.

"Shane T. Ferguson" schrieb:
> Hi,
> no, that won't be an issu, it is completly normal for linux.
> it always reports scsi-Tapes as st[0-x].
> how long is the external cable connected?
> The cable is only a few feet in length.

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