>Okay, but now we're back to requiring manual intervention here to load
>that tape and do the amflush ... what about an automatic feature for this?
>... don't write to tape until we can fill the tape.  ...

I proposed something called "autoflush" a few weeks ago.  Maybe this
can be folded in.  I'll add it to the notes.

I suspect the tape I/O would be triggered by either the holding disk or
tape length being met so it would work either way (holding disk bigger
than tape or vice versa).

>What is the difference between what happens now (you write a file system
>to tape, when the next one is ready, you spin up the tape and write the
>next one to tape) and appending to tape?  ...

The difference is that taper has the tape device open the whole time it
is running.  If a SCSI reset happens, taper will get an I/O error.

What people usually mean by "append to tape" is that the next run starts
up where the last left off.  But during that time, **anything** could
have happened to the tape or drive without any part of Amanda knowing
about it, and that's harder to deal with when the next run starts.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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