* John R. Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 09:14:26PM -0500)

>>Now, am not 100% certain on how taper does write the files to tape ...
> Very quick review:
>   Rewind
>   Read the label and verify
>   Rewind
>   Write a new label and tapemark
>   Write a header, image and tapemark
>   Write a header, image and tapemark
>   ...
>   Write the trailing label, tapemark and quit (leaving the tape where it is)

>>...  Why not [save] the last one in tapelist, and/or amount of tape used?
> That's the plan.

Why not go one step further,
and write this information in the tapelabel.

Of course, this breaks if fsf is broken ...

>>so, now you are effectively doing an 'mt fsf <last field>' to get to end
>>of tape ...

> True.  The problem is that the drive may screw up.  You may tell it to
> skip 37 files and it skips 36 (or 38, or 10, or 100 ...).  So you have to

Is this still the case with newer tape drives ?
I cannot remeber ever having this probelm with exabyte , mammoth or LTO

Come to think of it, I cannot even remeber it ahppening in the huge
reel-to-reel tapedrive we used way back when, and that was a pretty bad
piece of work ;)

        Gerhard,  (@jasongeo.com)   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __0  Oh my God, the bomb has just dropped
 =`\<,  And everybody climbed right on top
(=)/(=) Singing,"What a beautifull country

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