* Simon Mayr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 01:20:52PM +0100)

>>> What would it take to have some sort of config option that did exactly
>>> that?  ...
>> Nothing.  It's already there.  Just leave the tape out of the drive and
>> make as many runs as you want into the holding disk.

> eg
> crontab:
> 15 0 * * *     /path/to/smartscript
> smartscript:
>    if holdingdisk space is to small
>      /path/to/amdump to_tape_config && \
>      mt offline (&& send extra big mail to the guy who changes the tape:)
>    else
>      /path/to/amdump to_holding_config

How about
As abovem 2 configs, each identical exept for allowed tapestring;
if(holdingdisk space is full){
    amflush totape && mt rewoffl && alert-person-to-change-tape
amdump todiskconfig

also, finetune this so that if a holdingdisk is more full than fits a
single tape, you amflush oldest partitions first until tapefull
(e.g. by moving the latest dumps to a different dir, amflush nd move back).

> Again:
> See the note above and have in mind that this can only be usefull for 
> poeple whose backup device capacity is much more higher than the backup 
> load from a couple of days.

And for people who can afford to loose a couple of days worth of backups if
the holdingdisk crashes.

> Q: what to do if "all" is to big, you have more than 26 areas and the 
> one you really want to flush is to new to be listed?

Whats the deal with the 26 areas ?
Cannot amflush flush more than 26 areas to tape ?
What do you mean with area ?

        Gerhard,  [@jasongeo.com]   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  I spoke about wings ... You just flew
 =`\<,  I wondered, I guessed and I tried ... You just knew
(=)/(=) I sighed ... And you swooned
        I saw the crescent ... You saw the whole of the moon

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