On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Frank Smith wrote:
> I'll leave the (edited out) dump permission question for others, but your
> tape problem is due to Amanda thinking it has already used qbn-backup01.
> It may not actually have anything written to it, but if Amdump made a
> run then the tape is marked as 'active' and won't be overwritten until it
> goes through the rest of your tapecycle.
>   While you are testing just do an 'amrmtape tub qbn-backup01' and
> then you can re-use it.

DOH!  Yes.  That's it.  The command I was missing.  I didn't see it in a
'see also' anywhere, so it slipped past the radar.


Now to fix the permissions issue  *looks around the lurkers*

Dave Belfer-Shevett\ KB1FWR \
www.homeport.org    >--------`------------------------------------
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /  How much deeper would the ocean be without  \
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