Hiya folks, me again.

I've made huge strides in getting amanda set up on 'tub', our hinky cool
Solaris box that is driving the Overland tape changers (mmm.  AIT-3.
Nothing like 5+terabytes of storage available)

I'm running into some pesky permission and configuration issues though.
I'm going to put aside the fact that I can't get the tape changer going
right now... getting one dump running to one tape will be a great start,
I'll fiddle with the changer later.

I have .amandahosts set up right, and amcheck now runs with the following
messages.  I only have one entry in the disklist file, and that's for
'tub's local root partition...

[operator@tub]:~$ amcheck tub
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
Holding disk /dumps: 69886570 KB disk space available, that's plenty
amcheck-server: slot 1: date 20020723 label qbn-backup01 (active tape)
amcheck-server: slot 2: slot 2 is empty
amcheck-server: slot 3: slot 3 is empty
amcheck-server: slot 4: slot 4 is empty
amcheck-server: slot 0: slot 0 is empty
ERROR: new tape not found in rack
       (expecting a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: info dir /usr/adm/amanda/tub/curinfo/tub/_dev_dsk_c0t0d0s1: does not
Server check took 81.639 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
ERROR: tub: [could not access /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s1 (/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1):
Permission denied]
ERROR: tub: [can not read/write /etc/dumpdates: Permission denied]
Client check: 1 host checked in 0.088 seconds, 2 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)

Question: appartently amanda is simply trying to run 'dump', but can't
because it doesn't have root access.  Well duh, its logging in as
'operator'.  Is there some setuid stuff i'm missing somewhere, so that the
amanda app can actually run dump and updated /etc/dumpdates?

Second - the message is saying there's a labelled tape in the drive
(qbn-backup01) which I created with 'amlabel'.  But it seems to think
that's not a writable tape, its expecting a new one.  Can I tell amanda
"no, that's your tape.  Go toss data on it!" or am I misunderstanding how
tape labelling / allocation work?

Thanks, we're close to moving Huge Tracts o Data!


Dave Belfer-Shevett\ KB1FWR \
www.homeport.org    >--------`------------------------------------
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /  If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause   \
------------------<      people. ("Extreme Bumper Stickers")       |

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