in my amanda.conf file I have the line:

reserve 10 # percent

which as I read the comments, means that amanda will still do full backups,
if they'll fit in the other 90% of the 80GB disk I'm using as a 'holding'

however, when the dump runs, I get the ever-popular:
lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump skip-incr disk]
error for a number of filesystems that didn't make it onto tape. :(
(even tho the disk being backed up is <500MB, and should happily fit in
the 40+GB of space on the holding disk that ought to be available in any case)

What I'm trying for here, is to have the backup dump as much to tape as it
can, and then leave the rest on disk, so I can run amflush the next morning
when I come in.
(we don't have a tape changer, and backups need to be automated, so
chg-manual isn't an option as I understand its usage).

is there some setting that I'm missing, to tell amanda "don't go into
degraded mode when dumping to disk after a tape error?"

Carl Soderstrom.
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

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