> From: "Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> however, when the dump runs, I get the ever-popular:
> lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump skip-incr disk]

I don't think Amanda is telling you that the level 0 won't fit on the
holding disk.  It is telling you that it won't fit on the tape.  It isn't
even considering putting it on the holding disk, because it knows it can't
fit it on the tape.

If you want to have Amanda backup more than will fit on the tape and leave
the rest for a manual flush, as you describe, you could try a tapetype that
claims the tape is much larger than it actually is.

The other option is the manual changer configuration.  I haven't used this,
but my understanding is that you tell Amanda that you have 2 (or more
tapes), and that manual intervention is required to go to subsequent tapes.
Amanda will fill the first tape for you overnight, and in the morning you
change tapes, tell Amanda, and it will use the second tape.  No need for a
manual flush in this scenario.


Doug Meredith
Skyridge Systems Inc.
(506) 854-7997

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