--On Thursday, October 31, 2002 16:14:28 -0600 Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't think Amanda is telling you that the level 0 won't fit on the
holding disk.  It is telling you that it won't fit on the tape.
	no, in that case it usually gives the 'dumps too big for tape' error

If you want to have Amanda backup more than will fit on the tape and leave
the rest for a manual flush, as you describe, you could try a tapetype that
claims the tape is much larger than it actually is.
	I already turned my supposed tape length up 10GB larger than the
actual tape; and some of these partitions that are failing, only have 500MB
of data.

The other option is the manual changer configuration.  I haven't used this,
but my understanding is that you tell Amanda that you have 2 (or more
tapes), and that manual intervention is required to go to subsequent tapes.
Amanda will fill the first tape for you overnight, and in the morning you
change tapes, tell Amanda, and it will use the second tape.  No need for a
manual flush in this scenario.
the faq-o-matic seems to indicate that the chg-manual configuration only
works when started interactively (so you have a console with which to send a
signal to amanda that there's a new tape in the drive). I know there's ways
to delay backups (I use them for some machines already), so even if I
started backups at 6pm, machines could be delayed until the early morning;
but I don't trust myself or the tape monkey to remember (or be available) to
start a backup every night.
If you have enough holding disk, don't configure a changer and specify an
absurdly large tapetype.  Then Amanda will do all the backups required and
give you an EOT error in your daily report. Then run amflush in the morning
as many times as required (each time you hit EOT it will error out and email
you, then change tapes and run it again.  This way your backups will all occur
at the scheduled time and you can flush during the day when you're available
to change tapes.  The emails will remind you to do the tape changing.


Carl Soderstrom.
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

Frank Smith                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator                                     Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                             Fax: 512-374-4501

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