On Tuesday 31 January 2006 11:50, Graeme Humphries wrote:
>stan wrote:
>>It's one of those "corporate political corectness" things. Management
>>recognizes the nae, and if I sugest a "non name brand", I have to a
>> +lot_ more expalining.
>Ahh well, I figured it'd be something like that. In any case, we're
>doing server side compression, and I can't stress enough that you'll
>need tons of CPU horsepower on the backup box if you're backing up a
>large number of systems. Usually, items from our disklist take about
> 1/4 of the time to blow out to tape that they take to actually dump
> to the holding disk, and the bottleneck is totally the server side
> compression. Luckily, fast processors are cheap these days. ;)

So is offloading the compression duties to the client, which has the 
advantage of reducing the footprint on the networks bandwidth too.
You do this in the dumptype with "compress client best". It Just 
Works(TM) :-)

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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