> Does anyone know the reason why you cannot snapshot powered off machines?

I have learned that backups of VMware Windows-XP guests under Linux are easy, and seem reliable, without starting or restarting VMware or the VM. The method we use requires that the Windows NTFS filesystem be set up as a single undivided file; this is an option when you set up the guest OS in a VM, but it's not the default.

I mount this file as an ntfs-3g filesystem.  Here's a line
from my /etc/fstab:

/vmware/winxpclone/Windows\040XP\040Professional-cl1-flat.vmdk /mnt/vmdk-srn ntfs-3g umask=0002,loop,offset=32256,ro 0 0

Note the "-flat" in the filename; VMware adds that suffix when the filesystem is not divided into several files. Also note the "offset=32256" option. I found that trick on the web somewhere.

The only other thing to be aware of is that the ntfs-3g filesystem should be unmounted (if mounted) and mounted again (there's no remount option in ntfs-3g) just before dumping it. If you don't do that, changes to the file system made by Windows since the last time it was mounted under Linux will cause errors. And if the VM is busy during the dump, there may still be problems, but we haven't had any, I guess because our VMs have nothing to do when we're asleep (often they're not even running) and the backups are running. Anyway, it's not very different, really, from any situation in which a dump is being made of an active filesystem. (It is a little different, of course.)

I also take the precaution of dumping the whole NTFS filesystem file, raw, when I do a level 0, just in case. It makes total restoration very simple indeed -- and simpler than it could ever be under Windows ordinarily. Incrementals seem to work quite well, btw, under ntfs-3g.

I'm amazed by ntfs-3g. It's not perfect, but it's an impressive achievement.

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