We need to find a minimal patch that fix the problem.
Cat you try the attached patch?


Michael Burk wrote:
I applied the patches to the 0827 version again (had to do the sendbackup-dump.c patch by hand since the patch was for another version). I ran a full backup again, and all 3 file systems were successful and there were no "strange" messages. The debug logs show these lines:
1251756671.281800: sendbackup: fd 3 is set with O_NONBLOCK before dup2
1251756681.457166: sendbackup: Index created successfully

This is looking like some bizarre instance of the observer effect!

Index: client-src/sendbackup.c
--- client-src/sendbackup.c	(revision 2126)
+++ client-src/sendbackup.c	(working copy)
@@ -406,6 +406,11 @@
 	mesgfd = DATA_FD_OFFSET + 2;
 	indexfd = DATA_FD_OFFSET + 4;
+    fcntl(datafd, F_GETFL, 0);
+    fcntl(mesgfd, F_GETFL, 0);
+    fcntl(indexfd, F_GETFL, 0);
     if (!dle->create_index)
 	indexfd = -1;

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