Dustin J. Mitchell wrote at 14:09 -0500 on Sep 13, 2010:
 > On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 9:36 PM, John Hein <jh...@symmetricom.com> wrote:
 > > This may not be considered a nitpick but more of a feature request.
 > >
 > > If I move a disk or rename a host or move the host to a different
 > > domain, it'd be nice to be able to rename the disklist entry (DLE) and
 > > have history tracking, incremental planning, and most importantly
 > > recover/restore operations off tape know to follow the rename.
 > >
 > > Maybe it's as simple as allowing one or more "alternate DLE name" or
 > > "alias" (if you will) entries in a DLE (note the casual insertion of
 > > the word "simple" does not imply I have a patch, sorry).
 > >
 > > Going back and doing a rename on log files, index files, dump files,
 > > etc., is, of course, not practical and not really desired in terms of
 > > representing history of a name change.
 > This is an interesting idea, both for the purpose you describe, and
 > for the very futuristic and don't-get-excited-yet idea of "virtual
 > DLEs", where Amanda automatically splits DLEs based on size of
 > subdirectories.  The main problem with virtual DLEs has been recovery:
 > if Amanda is backing up a particular file in a different DLE every
 > day, then it's going to be difficult to find it when it comes to
 > running amrecover.  Incrementals are also a problem: changing the
 > boundaries between DLEs obviously requires doing a full backup of all
 > of the affected DLEs on the next run.  At least, unless we're going to
 > become gnutar-specific and start futzing with the data in the backups
 > on the server side.
 > As you can see, complicated.  But a consistent approach to storing the
 > DLE and path of a particular "user object" over time would be a useful
 > first step.  Do you have any thoughts on how that might be
 > implemented?

It may be useful to consider having amanda store the disklist it uses
with each backup (in the index db) [1].  And that there is some way to
correlate the "same" DLE in one disklist that may just have a
different hostname (or I suppose filesystem mount point - let's call
it a host/filesystem tuple because that sounds fun) to the renamed DLE
in another disklist.

I suppose we could take a page from revision control design and have a
DLE ID (SHA checksum perhaps of the "important" identifying contents
of the DLE - that is, not things like maxdumps).  And the hefty work
for this feature would be to add would be a way to link DLE IDs
together and have amanda understand the potential equality between
more than one DLE ID for the various history-traversing operations she

[1] I keep the disklist in revision control anyway since it would
need to be consulted to properly restore some data from a year
ago that may have moved around.  Having amanda handle that
tracking would be nice.

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