At Sun, 3 Oct 2010 14:19:50 -0500 "Dustin J. Mitchell" <> 

> On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Robert Heller <> wrote:
> > One of the downsides of using a very *stable* Linux distro with long
> > term stable support.  OTOH, it avoids the fun of re-installing
> > everything every 6-12 months and then spending a couple of months
> > getting all of the settings tweaked just right...
> Sure, I understand - I just can't offer you much help in that case :)

Actually, you did provide quite alot of help (thanks!).  Having some
insight into the gory inner workings actually helped -- it helped me
understand what Amanda was upto and why it is doing what it does.  From
another post I got the idea of have two configs (with a shared common
config), one for archival fulls (run manually, once a month) and one
for dailyincr (run from cron).  The archival fulls use large tapes
(4.3gig -- just right for burning to DVD-Rs) and the dailyincr use
smaller tapes (1.075gig -- could burn sets of 4 to DVD-Rs, if I feel
there is a need to), both use upto 4 tapes/run.  The archival's disk
list has everything set to 'only-full' (skip-incr=yes) and the
dailyincr has only the disks that need incrs with stategy=incronly.
Certain disks don't get/need incrementals: /, /boot, and /usr get
monthly fulls only -- they are pretty much 'static' file systems.  So
far, I *seem* to be getting something like what I want (not perfect,
but close enough) -- time will tell for sure.

> Dustin

Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software        -- Download the Model Railroad System  -- Binaries for Linux and MS-Windows       --

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